in some manner

In some manner , a request was approved for a new system .
Many of the measurements were modified in some manner .
All of these things affect the tone in some manner .
You will have to pay for your goals in some manner .
A constraint limits either a column or a table in some manner .
You will have to " pay " for your goals in some manner .
Nearly every facet of our lives can tie into our location in some manner & and so can our software .
Rare is the employer that does not support , in some manner , its workers who commit to self-improvement through certification .
If any member fails to support the group in some manner and cannot transcend the pattern at cause , they will be evicted .
It is recommended that you document the profile in some manner , such as screenshots or a list , before you publish and use it .
Providers , which give a consistent interface for any resource capable of receiving , transmitting , executing , querying , routing or processing messages in some manner .
Some friends have suggested that I consider some other alternatives for being able to still be part of the conference in some manner and this is one of the reasons that I 'm contacting you now .
Here 's an example : unorganized data , such as a group of measurements , is usually processed in some manner to make it easily readable for users , such as a graph or a chart .
Accounting fraudulent degree depends largely on the ability of CPA identifying accounting fraud . In some manner , it is negative correlation between the ability of CPA identifying accounting fraud and the company accounting fraudulent degree .
She followed him thither ; and her curiosity to know what he had to tell her was heightened by the supposition of its being in some manner connected with the letter he held .
A request arrives at the server in some manner , which might be through a network protocol ( such as HTTP , FTP , or POP ), through a JMS queue , or perhaps by polling a database .
Evidence suggests that the nature of the climate response has changed in some manner between solar constant increases of 2.5 % , 10 % and those of 25 % , namely the temperature response is linearly related to the smaller forcings but nonlinearly to the larger ones .
The definition of material category embodies the basic character of Marxist philosophy in some concentrated manner in practice .
No doubt we will soon see higher level specifications making use of WSDL and SOAP in some specific manner .
As such , requirements must be considered from this four-fold vantage point , or in some similar manner .
What 's more , actors are intended to work concurrently and not in some sequenced manner .
And in some unexplainable manner perhaps because he started seeing his son differently this change improved his Emotional Bank Account .
Instead of being impatient about doing what you must , you are impatient about doing it in some particular manner .
Remembering the embalmed head , at first I almost thought that this black manikin was a real baby preserved in some similar manner .
To make this credible , it envisages a fiscal consolidation plan that would , in some incomprehensible manner , be legally binding .
The results are presented in some visual manner : within a table , as points on a map , as bars in a chart or graph , and so on .
Woven convolutional codes adopt the " Woven " scheme to disperse the errors of inner coder in some special manner . This structure makes Woven convolutional codes perform better .
That we may not despair utterly of the German spirit , must we not conclude that , in some essential manner , even these champions did not penetrate into the core of the Hellenic nature , to establish a permanent alliance between German and Greek culture ?
They wanted him to make a fine figure in the world in some manner or other .
A blue light appeared in the zenith , and in some indescribable manner flickered down near the top of the rod .